Beer Tab Armor FAQ

  1. How many beer tabs did you use to make the shirt?

    While we didn't actually count every tab, a scientific guestimation puts it at approximately 2500 tabs

  2. How much does the shirt weigh?

    The shirt weighs a little over 2 pounds, although it feels a lot heavier when I wear it!

  3. How long did it take to make?

    The shirt was assembled over several weeks time. We estimate it took about 20-30 hours to assemble.

  4. How many sewing machine needles did you go through?

    We broke about a dozen sewing machine needles assembling the shirt.

  5. Did you drink all the beer?

    No, we had a lot of help. Friends in the Germania Society and the Airstream Club helped, as well as the bar at the Conroe, TX VFW hall.

  6. How much alcohol was consumed during the construction of the costume?

    Again, no actual count was kept, but at least three bottles of wine contributed to the effort

  7. What do you plan to do with the costume now?

    Well - that has yet to be decided. We normally save the tabs for the Ronald McDonald house, and they may yet end up there. We are also thinking of contributing it to the Beer Can House, if they want it. We shall see...